tony 發表於 2020-8-22 19:14:06

[Youtube]看美國電視劇學英語!《摩登家庭》 - Learn American Engl...

本帖最後由 tony 於 2020-8-29 20:14 編輯

01:39 / Desiree just moved in down the block.
01:34 / The two-bedroom cottage with the indoor-outdoor family room.
01:57 / We caravanned that house.
02:00 / I'm just there till my divorce is final.
02:07 / We will have to have you over sometime.
02:13 /No, we are never having her over.
02:15 / Heard she already slept with two dads from the school.
10:52 / Come on, coach! You've gotta take that kid out!
12:32 / At least something got plowed that nignt.

00:24 / comedy 喜劇
00:32 / nuclear 核心的
00:49 / entertaining 娛樂的
01:17 / awkward 不靈巧的,笨拙的
02:05 / casual 偶然的
02:13 / awesome / 令人敬畏的 /awe.some
02:20 / horrible / 可怕的 / hor.ri.ble
03:59 / phrasal 片語 / ph.ra.sal
04:06 / opposite / 相反的 /
04:50 / cottage / 度假小屋 /
04:50 / associate / 相關; 聯想 /
it is associated with living close to nature of farming.

05:38 /steam / 蒸氣 /
Bet you're loving that steam shower.
06:10 / kidney / 腎 / kid.ney/ kidney stone 腎結石
06:23 / creepy /令人毛骨悚然的
06:42 / flirt / 調情

07:37 / estate / 地產es.tate
07:37 / mogul / 大亨 / mo.gul
08:41 / We caravanned the house.
08:41 / caravan / 往來沙漠的商隊/ ca.ra.van
09:24 / coconut / 椰子 /
09:24 / slang / 俚語/ s.lang   
09:24 / irrational / 不合理的 / i.rra.tional
09:24 / insane / 精神病患者的/ in.sane
10:51 / coach /教練
11:15 / We will have to have you over sometime. / 我們以後一定會邀請你的
02:14 / No, we are never having her over.


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