tony 發表於 2019-3-31 11:30:31


本帖最後由 tony 於 2019-4-1 09:11 編輯

Estimates show that 2008 online holiday sales in the U.S. grew to US$32 billion, up ten present from 2007.估計顯示,美國2008年的線上假期銷售額增加至320億美元,較2007年多了一成。(BIZ-63-50)
However, the on line channel has been growing in recent years by around twenty percent.如果你從整體零售量來看,年成長率僅個位數。然而,線上通路近年來已成長20%。(BIZ-63-50)

We have little to no competition in this arena, so we expect our total market share to increase to about twenty-seven percent when it’s launched.

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